Tips for a new mom

of course i cant write a blog without dedicating a small part to my daughter. she is my inspiration everyday.  so this shall be it.
Violetta Yanity was born on July 1st of 2010. she was a healthy 7lbs 3ozs and 19.5 inches long. i was so proud and didn't think it would get better. till she started learning. now every day i become more proud of her with everything she is learning. so in an attempt to keep up i have decided to put up a list of advice to other first time parents in an attempt to help ease the stress i know is there. i was going to make a blog about it but i am unsure if anyone will read it. leave me a message and let me know what you think. should i continue here or should i make another blog?

month one:
  • don't look too far into the future and take it one day at a time, it does get easier.
  • remember they are adjusting to the world, its a hard process for them.
  • you are not alone, reach out to everyone you can. they will help. 
  • they really do grow very fast, document everything you can because you wont remember it all.
  • they may seem small and helpless but they are not china dolls, men hold your babies it will help them develop and grow.
  • the crying will stop, remember its the only way they can communicate no matter how annoying we think it is.
  • don't shake a baby, not even a little bit. it can cause irreparable damage or death.
  • keep pushing through, eventually you will sleep through the night again.
  • a swing is your best friend, especially if the baby is colicky. 
  • you don't have to spend a ton of money, simpler is better.
  • use socks as scratch mittens, they stay on better and cost less.
  • they grow so fast, buy a small layette for the first month or so.
  • be a good parent, be diligent and attentive. check on them often cause you are all they have.
  • lastly for month one, the doctors are not always right. you know your child better then they do, your the one who takes care of them. listen to your instincts and if the doctor doesn't listen to you then get a different one. you know best your the parent.
Month two:
  • interact as much as possible, they are learning quick
  • start breaking bad habits now, the baby is always watching and learning. 
  • all babies learn at different speeds. Dont compair!
  • Dont give them cows milk yet! leave them on formula
  • you can get more wear out of cloths by buying bigger size shirts and using them as dresses till they grow into them. saves money also sense little ones grow so fast.
  • make sure your taking time for you as well as time for your hubby too. it really helps to have a healthy relationship, makes the little one alot happier and makes mommy less stressed.
  • introduce the bottle at your babies pace, dont feel like you have to pressure your little one if they arnt ready. new things take time.
  • dont worry if your baby isnt smiling when you think they should be, most dont even start socially smiling till they turn seven weeks anyway.
  • if you think your baby is behind in any way, sit down and work with them. turn learning into a fun game and in no time you will see progress.
  • there are alot of myths to immunizations so make sure you always do your research before you decide that immunizing your little one is out of the question.
  • use mineral oil to help with cradle cap.
  • most babies appear bowlegged or pigeon toed this early in the game, so dont worry cause if there was a problem your doctor would have mentioned it already.
  • make sure that if your baby is carried around alot that you balance out the time with plenty of floor play.
  • challenging babies are just that, you are not doing anything wrong.